NORDIA Law is ranked in the World Trademark Review
WTR 1000 ranking 2024
NORDIA Law is ranked within the bronze tier in the prosecution and strategy category in WTR 1000, The World’s Leading Trademark professionals.
Our partner, Fredrik Persson, is individually ranked in the same category.
A great choice for timely, professional and practical advice”, Nordia has established itself as a go-to service provider for brand owners’ problems. At the forefront of the firm, Fredrik Persson is called on by clients of all shapes and sizes, and from all industries, ranging from medical technology to video games. His services are particularly sought after by those requiring comprehensive portfolio management. Under his stewardship the outfit offers comprehensive assistance to Play’n GO Marks Limited, handling its trademark portfolio as well as representing it during a recent opposition and cancellation dispute.
The WTR 1000 2024 identifies the leading trademark practitioners and firms from around the globe, offering the definitive ‘go-to’ guide for those seeking legal trademark expertise.
Congratulations to all those ranked!
Read more about the ranked firms and individuals in Sweden from the World Trademark Review.
Read more about our services related to intellectual property.