Nordia News

Doing business in the Nordic region

By Espen Egseth and Angantyr Laurberg Nielsen and Timo Skurnik and Johan Strömberg
Published: 23.09.2021 | Posted in Insights

The Nordics

The Nordic countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland have a population of about 27 million. Denmark, Sweden, and Finland are part of the EU, while Norway is part of the EEA treaty with the EU member states. The Nordic countries have much in common in their way of life, history, religion, and social structure and are often perceived by international investors as one single market.

The Nordic countries cluster near the top in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, transparency, GDP per capita, quality of life, and human development. Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours but to varying degrees sharing the so-called “Nordic model” of economy and social structure. Specifically, a market economy combined with economic efficiency and social benefits such as state pensions and income distribution.

Legislation in the Nordics

Read more about the legislation in each country from our one-minute guide series:

Legislation in Sweden, Part 1

Legislation in Sweden, Part 2

Legislation in Finland

Legislation in Norway

Legislation in Denmark

Contact us


Espen Egseth
Partner, Oslo +47 92 88 15 50
Angantyr Laurberg Nielsen
Partner, Copenhagen +45 28 10 02 24
Timo Skurnik
Attorney, Partner, Helsinki +358 41 523 1143
Johan Strömberg
Partner, Stockholm +46 70 510 57 75

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