Nordia News

Helsinki office customer satisfaction is top-class

Published: 08.02.2024 | Posted in Insights

Customer satisfaction is important

NORDIA Law Helsinki office conducts an annual customer satisfaction survey. In addition to the usual qualitative and objectively assessed criteria, the survey also asks about our clients’ experiences and willingness to recommend us. The feedback helps us better understand our customers’ experiences and further develop our operations and services.

The NPS reflects our customers’ willingness to recommend us

For several years now, NORDIA Law Helsinki has been measuring customer satisfaction by means of the internationally renowned Net Promoter Score (NPS). Among other questions, we asked our clients to rate their willingness to recommend us on a scale of 0–10 and to provide open feedback.

The NPS score can be anything between -100 and +100. The higher the score, the more likely our customers are to recommend us. An NPS of over fifty can be considered a particularly good result.

Our clients recommend NORDIA Law

Based on the results of the customer satisfaction survey conducted in early 2024, our NPS is a staggering 87, which is a great recognition for our team.
We also asked our customers about their experiences with the main benefits of our service. Year after year, the peace of mind experienced by our customers has been at the top of the list. This was also the case this time, with the top three benefits of our services being the resolution of a legal problem, peace of mind, and dispute resolution.

Earlier, our CEO, Matti Kari, reflected on the effective collaboration between lawyer and client and the benefits received and experienced.

This is a good thing to continue collaborating with our clients!

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